Crocuses & Women Only Space

Women Only Space > Crocuses & Women Only Space

by Copia Webster

As the activism of trans identified men (TIMs) and their friends has increased, formerly woman only spaces around the world have closed or fallen, becoming open to anyone who claims to be a woman (ie the general public).

Before accepting the mainstream line that all women-only and lesbian-only space is gone in the US, let’s look back at our herstory…

Decades ago, in the US, lesbians only gathered at private parties. I call this the ‘underground phase’.

Then came bars, and clubs, but although they were public places, you had to be ‘in the know’ to find them.

When the second wave then crashed over society in the 1960s-80s, public woman-only spaces flourished, although not without harassment.
Men are never ok with women ignoring them.

Today, once again, it has become dangerous to meet in public places as only women.
But make no mistake.
Like our sisters in the past, we still gather…by going back underground!

For every Above Ground woman-only space under fire today, there are at least four Underground woman-only spaces thriving and growing, providing women a space to meet without male harassment.

There are even a few public online sites that maintain woman-only or lesbian-only content, although the content can be read by the general public.

So even as you see woman-only spaces closing or dying all around you…Remember.

New women-only spaces, mostly Underground, are being invented, are gestating, are growing, and are popping up like cheerful crocuses, all over the country!
Check here for connections, and ways for feminist women to meet each other in real life!

Underground (expect filtering to maintain safety):
Chicago – feminist salon – monthly> .
Chicago/Champagne-Urbana/Madison/Indianapolis – radfem conciousness raising groups – monthly>

Above Ground (expect onsite security to maintain safety):
Wayland, Michigan (just south of Grand Rapids) – Michigan Framily Reunion festival – Aug 2-5>

To add more groups and events:
If you have a women-only (all female) group or event you would like to list on the website please email with the details.

Womyn only spaces