Tag Archives: Slogans

“sisterhood is powerful”

kathie sarachild’s phrase could use a reboost in today’s world!!

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XX The World As A Hole

I love this funny play on the old “world as a whole” phrase. Changing the noun “whole” to the noun “hole” signifies women’s virtually universal sexualization and objectification.

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Trans “women” demand right to erase women’s rights to privacy = an act of equality?

Feel like the hyprocisy needs to be spelled out. Too many women tend toward fear based compliance out of not wanting to exclude anybody, at the expense of their own impending erasure.

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This is what a dyke looks like.

I went to Ohio University in the early 90’s. Joined with a group of radical lesbians and we created a campus group called Swarm of Dykes. We made tee shirts and used the slogan.

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When inclusion means intrusion, euphemism endangers women’s rights

Slight revision to one sent earlier today

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Women’s Rights Matter?

There is a lot of righteous consciousness around the issue of Cultural Appropriation. Folks tend to agree it is unacceptable and to be policed, for the protection of those being appropriated. Except, it seems, when it comes to the cultural appropriation of womanhood. That seems to be up for grabs, and if anybody objects its a gang mentality of blame the victim. Everybody seems to be burying their heads in the sand and unwilling to recognize the parallel. As a spin on Black Lives Matter, on which we all agree, the statement/question: Women’s Rights Matter? I feel shines a light on this disturbing misogynist hypocrisy.

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When what’s called inclusion means intrusion, the euphemism is a danger for women

Because i believe too many well-meaning women arent identifying the manipulative aspect of the word inclusion. Nobody wants to be uninclusive. Yet, in this case it represents intrusion. Intrusion of our privacy rights. And i pick this slogan to let others know its okay not be okay with the sugar coating of the total violation of our rights. Feel its important that this tactic be identified.

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Real Women dont force their patriarchal assumptions in your space

Because the trans “woman’s” approach, assuming right to our spaces, is often rife with angry and invasive male energy… That’s not the woman way… and i like the slogan because its ambiguous enough not to be a danger to wear, but pointed enough too…

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Trans “female” right to trespass. Women’s fear-based social compliance. A very old story. Nothing new about it.

Again, spelling it out for folks who are taking in the latest masquerading-as-PC propaganda. For those who think themselves progressive, they need it spelled out
there is nothing progressive about this…

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The Word Woman Is Taken

We used it at DC Picket a few years ago. I personally love it. They can have that word over my dead body.

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