
XX Amazons is working to create an Earth and female centered world through building female only, female loving, radical Lesbian Feminist projects, groups, spaces, communities, and consciousness. This includes making anti-racism an integral part of what we do. Our vision is to contribute to a larger movement of women with the joint purposes of:

  • eliminating patriarchy and all its forms of domination, hierarchy and theft
  • empowering existing and new cultures and ways of living that are based in female and ancient values, such as power-with, giving, caring, and cooperative relationships between people and with the Earth and all her beings.

XX Amazons projects, such as the Uprising, the zoom meetings, the web site, and the google groups are based in these female values. We give thanks to and call on the sacred female forces of creation for their help. We welcome all women (by women we always mean female-born women) who share our values and goals. We are a Lesbian-centered organization. We recognize the Lesbian imagination and desire present in every woman.