Who We Are, What We Do

XX Amazons is a circle of Radical Lesbian Feminists and other Amazons who are engaged in creating a female and Earth centered world. We work to end patriarchy, including colonialism, racism, and all hierarchies. We at XX Amazons are working to make anti-racism an integral part of who we are. We are building Lesbian and female community.

We draw on practices common to many living and ancient female-centered and place-based societies, including:

  • consensus decision-making
  • power-with
  • female leadership
  • gift/subsistence relations with each other and with the Earth
  • respect for and participation with all the natural world, including each other

We look to the herstories and current experiences of women in many different cultures to guide our work. We celebrate the power of our female and Lesbian selves as we work and play together. We focus our collective energy and thought to multiply our individual power.

We welcome female-born womyn of every generation, color, class, and other diversity who have a commitment to creating and protecting female only spaces.