XY doesn’t Lie

I’m sick of hearing men trans insist that they are Women

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One thought on “XY doesn’t Lie

  1. Mary Anne V D'Agata

    Not only am I tired of them proclaiming they are women, but some declare they are also lesbians. Not sorry, but to just simplify the alphabet soup that we have become as of late a male and female couple are straight no matter how many pretend terms you make up to describe this union. Trans people need to stop glomming on to women’s and lesbian identities to identify as it is highly disrespectful of what we have fought for all these years. Both communities of women born women are being invaded and disenfranchising all women’s spaces / land / music festivals to meet and gather. The result is having to decide whether or not to support born females and girls or trans in our safe spaces from males. Sports, bathrooms and locker rooms, school scholarships are under attack, the LC newsletter and other periodicals / newsletter comments are now being sent to any trans request, groups specifically women / lesbian only, potlucks are disappearing and bars closing. Our world and spaces are shrinking because they will NOT create their own community and spaces. The gay and straight males want to have nothing to do with supporting them or including them except as voyeurs, pride parades and drag shows. The trans community does not badger and protest them for more inclusion and acceptance they always expect women to be good little ‘earth mothers’ to fix all their wors and grievances even though their acceptance in OUR communities means pushing born women / lesbians out and disenfranchising our own. They ultimately need to create all their own spaces, sports, scholarships and stop making even one woman regardless of her sexual orientation by their presence left out and uncomfortable. We need to stand our ground before we have no ground / land left to call our own. Stop letting misogynistic males continue to define what a woman / lesbian is before it is too late to.


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